Monday 2 February 2009

Snow Babies!

I make no apology, I love the snow! I had more cancellations during the day, but here are some photos of the snow babes I did manage to get to see today.

First walk of the day, Fred and Beauty. Fred can't wait to get out there and stuff his head in a snow drift, it even made having to wear his jumper worthwhile!

Next up, Bingley, my new Whippet puppy. As he's so tiny he borrowed Fred's jumper. He wasn't so keen, but we had a good walk anyway.

Then we stopped by for TJ. He managed to gather so many snowballs we cut the walk short a bit. He'd have been uncomfortable lying in bed, as I didn't know where the hairdryer was kept! I towelled most of them off, so he should have had peaceful sweet dreams in the warm for the afternoon.

My final job was Benson and Scarlet - as the ground was frozen I let them out together for a play - when it's wet they get too muddy as they are turning the lawn into a mudbath, and not too good for the lawn either!
Scarlet was demonstrating one of the best bits of a walk - the aftersnooze.

And last, definitely least, and probably the only glimpse you'll see - me! I may look stupid, but I was warm and dry and the dogs don't laugh!

And after all that - the van only managed to catch three snowballs!